by Blueroomcare | Jan 1, 2023 | Abuse
Content note: This article contains a discussion of abuse and other potentially sensitive topics. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact the Lagos State domestic and sexual violence agency-08000333333 or 112 Photo by Alex Green Abuse, whether it be...
by Blueroomcare | May 18, 2022 | Health
Happy Birthday! If this phrase makes you anything but happy in one way or the other, then you might be suffering from the Birthday blues or popularly known as Birthday depression. Yes, some people don’t get the same excitement out of their birthdays as some...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 18, 2021 | School, Violence
Violence at school – maybe you have experienced it too! Find out what you can do! When is violence at school? Not every argument at school is violence. Everywhere people come together, arguments can happen. But there is a difference in how these arguments take...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 18, 2021 | Violence
What is emotional violence? When do we speak of sexualized violence? How does violence manifest itself on the internet? Here you can find out about the different forms of violence. When you think of violence, you might first think of beatings, physical violence or...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 18, 2021 | Violence
27% of 11-18 year olds have been sexually harassed online. How can you defend yourself against sexual harassment online? Find out what the laws are here. What happens online is sometimes not taken all that seriously and tends to be dismissed, often even excused. This...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 18, 2021 | Violence
It is not talked about much, but it does exist – sexual assaults against boys, perpetrated by adult men or women. Only some of the boys who have experienced an assault talk about it. Others do not – this can have different reasons. Images of “being a...