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I can’t sleep

Tossing and turning at night and not being able to sleep can be really distressing. Find tips here to help you sleep better.

Do you know this? You’re tired from the day, but you still can’t fall asleep because you have 100 thoughts running through your head. You wake up in the night and then nothing works. You toss and turn from one page to the next, but you can’t find your way back to sleep. Many people feel that way. But sleep is so important to be fit and have energy the next day.

Sleep disorders

No matter how you do it, it always makes sense to do something for better sleep. At the latest, however, when you feel this way for a longer period of time.

Sleep disorders are when you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up. However, nightmares, teeth grinding, stress caused by light and noise or an irregular sleep rhythm can also deprive you of sleep.

Why do we need sleep?

Sleep is like breathing and eating, it is a prerequisite for life. Without sleep, we could not survive and our immune system would probably collapse. Sleep also serves to store important memories and push aside unimportant ones. Constant lack of sleep reduces memory capacity.

 Sleep killer

There are some things that are really difficult for sleep.

  • Light causes the hormone melatonin not to be released. But we need it for a good night’s sleep. The room in which you sleep should therefore be as dark as possible. There are, for example, inexpensive roller blinds that you can clip directly onto the window without drilling. Sleep masks are also a good way to help with disturbing light.
  • Eating a lot before going to bed can be unpleasant during the night. This keeps your body busy digesting and keeps you awake. You could try not eating for two hours before you go to bed to see what changes.
  • Exciting activities, such as watching an upsetting series before bed, can easily cause restless sleep or make it difficult to fall asleep. Watch what individual films and series due to your heartbeat. Besides, the TV, which is also a source of light, is not a good way to get really tired! Sleeping with the TV on prevents restful sleep! Maybe you know this: you fall asleep while watching TV and then dream about the series. This shows you how much this habit affects your sleep. Of course, every person is different. It’s also about finding out for yourself what disturbs your sleep.
  • Noise can also be a really annoying sleep killer. If nothing can be done about the cause of the noise, earplugs may help. You can buy them in pharmacies or drugstores.
  • You should not do any sports before you go to sleep, because physical activity is a stimulant and gets the circulation going. Some people find it helpful to go for a walk outside in the evening to bring themselves down. However, you need sport or exercise during the day to be able to relax and fall asleep. Unfortunately, just sitting or lying down is also a factor that has an unfavorable influence on sleep.


What you can do to sleep better

  • Small, light meals before bedtime will help you sleep better.
  • Pay attention to your sleeping environment. It should be quiet and dark. Your bed is also an important factor. If it is uncomfortable or if the mattress is too soft or too hard, it can lead to restless sleep. Do you feel comfortable in your bed?
  • Try to keep regular sleeping hours. After a night of partying, it makes sense to go to bed at the usual time the next day; otherwise your sleep rhythm will be completely disrupted!
  • Nicotine and caffeine, teein, but also guarana or taurine boost your performance. They can prevent you from falling asleep or sleeping through the night if you consume too much of them or too close to bedtime. Alcohol can make you sleep more restlessly or wake up more often or earlier. If you have problems with this, you know where to start.
  • If you have frequent nightmares, avoid movies, computer games, etc. that have scary or upsetting content for about two hours before sleeping. Maybe they don’t bother you during the day, but they are processed as nightmares during the night. You are not less “strong” because of it. People simply feel differently. The point here is to find out for yourself what is good for you!


Calm the Monkey Mind

  • Stress, worries, fear or bad experiences of the day keep many people awake. Thoughts start circling and you can’t fall asleep. This is also called a “monkey mind”. You can’t switch off your thoughts, but you can calm them down or take their place by concentrating on something else.
  • Put yourself in a “sleeping mood”. If you do something similar every day before you go to sleep, your body learns that it is time to shut down. Perhaps this could be a quiet playlist from Spotify.
  • We have two examples from YouTube, maybe there’s something for you by chance:
  • Slow Down – Scott Orr
  • Let your mind drift
  • Do you like reading? Then you know the feeling of being completely immersed in another world. You can also use this to fall asleep or when you lie awake at night. Find a book that makes you feel happy, that calms you down and takes you to a beautiful place.
  • Audiobooks are also a resource for many. If you’re into horror, great. But for falling asleep, find books that calm your heartbeat, not speed it up.
  • Do you remember places where you were super happy? Then you can use these memories and imagine exactly how it was there, how you felt, how it smelled. This can also help to calm your monkey mind.
  • Are you thinking in bed about all the things you have to do the next day or must not forget under any circumstances? Get a small notebook and put it next to your bed with a pen. Write down what goes through your mind. This way you can save your thoughts and get them out of your head at the same time. If you still have your mobile phone within reach, you can also use the notes there.
  • Use smells. Smells in particular put us in a certain mood. Is there a scent that represents relaxation for you? Then you could get an oil of it and put it on your forehead. Many people find the scent of lavender, rose or sandalwood soothing.
  • Breathing also helps to come down. That often sounds a bit strange. Just try it out to see how much breathing can help you lower your stress level. For example, just lie down comfortably and observe your breath. Count to 4 when you inhale and to 5 when you exhale. If thoughts come, that’s completely normal. Imagine a window with the most beautiful view you can imagine, send the thoughts through and concentrate on your breath again. Even though our mind is constantly producing thoughts, we can decide whether or not to occupy ourselves with them. Because: You are not your thoughts.
  • You can also put a hand on your belly and observe how it rises and retracts when you breathe.
  • A hot drink or even a hot bath can also put you in a calm, secure mood.
  • When you are in bed, consciously feel how your body rests securely on the mattress and how the blanket lies warmly on your body. This also influences your thoughts and helps you to come down.

Sleep aids

From herbal sleep aids, CBD oil, sleep sprays to sleep medications, the choice is really wide. Organic sleep aids are advertised in many Instagram stories. They can definitely be a help. However, the body clearly shows you through the sleep problems that it is somehow out of balance. If you react with sleeping aids alone, nothing changes in the basic problem. The problem only gets worse. At some point, the body gets used to the sleep aids and needs more or they no longer work at all. They can certainly be a short-term support during difficult times. In the long run, however, you should not use sleeping pills, not even the purely herbal ones.


Positive thoughts

Often, sleep problems are exacerbated if you spend all your time thinking about how awful it will be again in the evening.

Instead Of: “I won’t sleep again today anyway…” with such thoughts you convince yourself.

Say: “I still have time today to do something for my sleep.”

Instead of: “I’ve been lying awake in bed for half an hour again”.

Say: “My bed is so comfortable and cozy. Even if I’m not sleeping at the moment, my body can recover.”

Fit for the day!

Also, if you feel like you need every second of your sleep and prefer to set your alarm to just slip into your robe and head off towards school or your job, that’s not the best strategy! It pays to get up a few minutes earlier and start the day fit.

There are a few things that can help you to start the day as well as possible.


  • Right after getting up, it is really good to stretch extensively.
  • Open the window, enjoy the fresh air and do some small exercises (sit-ups, squats, lunges, etc.). This will get your circulation going.
  • Take alternating hot and cold showers. This will perk you up!
  • Vitamins and whole grains in the morning also help. Muesli, porridge, freshly squeezed juices, fruit and whole meal bread are the ideal way to start the day.
  • Drinking enough is always important.
  • Music in the bathroom and a little dance while brushing your teeth also automatically lift your mood.

When all else fails

Despite all these tips, you still don’t feel better? Talk to a doctor or psychologist you trust. You can also contact us.

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