You have so much to do that you don’t know where to start. A study plan can bring order to the chaos. With all the exams, papers, tests and schoolwork coming up, it’s often difficult to keep track of everything. A study plan can help you with this.
What is a study plan?
A study plan is a kind of timetable in which you record your study times, free times and learning goals. You can use a calendar, for example, or you can draw the days you want to study on a piece of paper. And then you can get started:
How can you go about it?
First, get an overview of the material to be learned.
Divide the material into small learning units that you can complete in one day.
Think about how much time you will need to learn the material. Don’t forget not to take on too much each day and to plan for breaks right from the start. They are just as important as the study time.
Plan on repeating what you have learned.
If you start studying early, you will save yourself extra stress from running out of time. The earlier you start, the less you have to do per day.
Make a detailed daily plan of your activities for the study period. Write down both the learning phases and the free time.
Post this schedule in a visible place so that you can see it at all times, and so that your parents can see it too. They will also be able to see your efforts. This can also prevent arguments with them about learning.
Try to stick to your study plan as closely as possible.
If you check off what you have already done, you can see at a glance what you have already achieved. This can motivate you even more.
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