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You feel unwell or dissatisfied? Maybe our tips will help you to increase your well-being again.

There are things in life that are stressful and therefore do not necessarily contribute to your well-being. Think about what you need at that moment. Would you like to talk to someone about it (e.g. friends, family members, teachers, etc.)? Of course we are always there for you. Or are you more the type of person who gets creative and paints, writes, sings or plays music? As long as it does you good and you don’t harm anyone, everything is allowed.

What has ever made you feel good?

Almost everyone has experienced situations in which he or she did not feel particularly good. What was helpful then may be helpful again now. Try to remember a situation and see if the behavior you did then can make you feel better now. Just the thought that it is a momentary feeling that will pass again (and has passed before) often brings relief.

Listen to yourself

Try to find out why you don’t feel well. What is ‘bothering you’? Is it an appointment, a test or a meeting with a friend when you would rather relax at home? There are things you can easily cancel or postpone. Of course, there are also things that have to be done and cannot be postponed. Think about which category your ‘feel-good killer’ belongs to.


Is it something you can put off or cancel? Take care of yourself – you are allowed to cancel sometimes. Of course, it can happen that your friend, for example, is not thrilled about a cancellation. However, it is important that you are well and that you take care of yourself and your boundaries.

Is it something that needs to be done? Think about what you can reward yourself with. It doesn’t have to be anything big. For example, a cozy bath in the bathtub with candles and music or a movie night can also be considered a reward. Choose something that gives you pleasure. This gives you the motivation to do things you don’t like so much.

Sources of strength…

… are things that give you energy and increase your well-being. These can be, for example, meetings with people you like and who you know build you up and make you laugh. Animals can also increase your well-being immensely. Maybe you have a pet that you can walk, play with or cuddle. Or you can borrow the neighbor’s dog for a walk. Just try out what works for you.

Sunlight and sport put you in a good mood

You may have noticed that bright sunshine can make you active and in a good mood. One of the reasons for this is the increased production of the hormone serotonin.

Exercise can not only help you feel good physically. Physical activity also has an influence on your psyche. Sport has a stress-reducing effect. In addition, there is a theory that endorphins (considered to be “happiness hormones”) are released during sport, thus increasing your sense of well-being.


Get out into the fresh air, enjoy the sun and/or exercise. Avoid the midday heat and don’t forget to use the right sunscreen for your skin type.

Smile is contagious

You may have noticed that smiling is contagious. Among other things, the so-called mirror neurons in the brain are responsible for this. When we observe people doing something, these nerve cells trigger similar impulses in us. It is the same with yawning.


You can test this in the underground, for example: smile at someone and in most cases that person will have to smile too. This in turn reinforces your smile, so you are virtually in an angelic circle of smiles.

Make your treasure chest 

This “treasure chest” can really exist or you can just imagine it. You can put anything in it that makes you feel good. It can be photos, other memorabilia (concert tickets, etc.) or an encouraging letter to yourself, a list of things you are proud of and so on. You can also ask your friends if you would like to write down qualities that you appreciate in each other – this could also have a place in your treasure chest. 


When you’re not feeling so good, look in this treasure chest or bring it to mind. This can help put a smile on your face and raise your feel-good level.

Post-it’s for your self-worth

Grab some Post-it’s or paper and Taxon and you’re good to go. Write compliments for yourself on the post-it notes. For example, “I like my smile” or “I especially like my birthmark on my left arm”. You can write anything on the notes as long as it feels right for you. Sometimes it takes a little time to find things to write down. Don’t let that put you off, it’s perfectly normal if you don’t find something straight away


Hang the written notes in places in your room or flat where you can see them. For example, on the bathroom mirror, the notice board, etc. Whether you consciously look at them each time or unconsciously take in what is written above is not so important. Feel inside yourself and maybe this method will have a positive influence on your well-being.

Self-confidence push tips


Stress and being busy all the time can also cause discomfort. Doing things consciously and not doing several things at once has a decelerating and thus relaxing effect. For example, you can start in the shower in the morning by concentrating on feeling the water droplets and the temperature on your skin. You might also want to switch off your mobile phone or put it on silent for an hour a day. Try what works for you to relax.

Tips against stress

Take time for yourself

Time to relax, unwind and unwind is incredibly valuable and important. Feel inside yourself and think about what you would like to do for yourself right now. This way you can “recharge your batteries”, get strength and increase your well-being.


If you find it difficult to take time for yourself, it can also be helpful to consciously set aside a few hours a week. You can then use these free periods for yourself.

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