Divorce – And Now?

Divorce – And Now?

Parents are talking about separation and divorce? How can you deal with it? Here you will find information and tips. Arguments happen in almost all relationships (both friendships and partnerships). But it can also be that at some point you don’t want to argue...
Divorce – Lost Contact With One Parent?

Divorce – Lost Contact With One Parent?

When contact with the father or mother breaks off after the parents have separated, this is usually associated with many questions and strong feelings. Here you can find out how this can happen and what you can do about it. After a separation or divorce of the...
Divorce – Who Will I Live With?

Divorce – Who Will I Live With?

If parents get divorced, they usually also move apart. The decision about who you want to live with is often not an easy one to make. A difficult decision Many young people find it difficult to decide whether they want to live with their mother or father when their...
Always Fighting With Parents

Always Fighting With Parents

What should you do if you find it too much to argue with your mum and dad? Here are some tips for when your parents don’t understand you or treat you unfairly. As a child, you believe almost everything your parents tell you. But at some point, for many at the...
Parents With Mental Illness

Parents With Mental Illness

Is your mother or father depressed, addicted or schizophrenic? How can you cope if a parent is mentally ill? There are many different mental illnesses. What they all have in common is that they affect the person with the illness. For example, emotional life,...