Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

What is sexual abuse? What can the consequences be and what laws are there on the subject? What is sexual abuse? Sexual abuse is when an adult or older adolescent is in contact with a child for sexual arousal or gratification. Sexual abuse… Sexual boundaries are...
Sexual Abuse – Help For Those Affected

Sexual Abuse – Help For Those Affected

Have you been affected by sexual abuse yourself or do you know someone who has? Here you can find out what help is available for sexual violence. Talking about sexual abuse is not easy. A relationship of trust has been abused and this is inevitably associated with...
Traumas — Injuries To The Soul

Traumas — Injuries To The Soul

What is trauma? How do you recognise trauma? Where can help be found? You can read more about this topic here. What is trauma? According to the World Health Organization, trauma (Greek for wound) in psychology is “a stressful experience or situation of...


What is depression? Can young people also suffer from depression? You can find out more here. “I feel really depressed today”. It’s a phrase you’ve probably heard around you a time or two. In everyday life, the term is often used to express...
My Parents Neglect Me

My Parents Neglect Me

Your parents don’t take care of you? There is no food? They never have time? Here’s info on what you can do. What is neglect? Children have rights and parents therefore also have duties. They must treat their children with sufficient love, attention and...
Always Fighting With Parents

Always Fighting With Parents

What should you do if you find it too much to argue with your mum and dad? Here are some tips for when your parents don’t understand you or treat you unfairly. As a child, you believe almost everything your parents tell you. But at some point, for many at the...