by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
Comforting is not easy. Often you can’t think of the right words. Here you can find out how comforting can still be successful. Your friend is devastated because her boyfriend broke up with her. Your boyfriend is disappointed because he got another bad grade....
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
How to deal with anger? Before you burst with anger – better read up here… Reasons for anger There are endless reasons to be angry. Maybe you are angry at a teacher who has treated you unfairly. Or a friend has told you something that was supposed to be...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
Here are some ideas on how to deal with being alone…. Survey results We did a survey with you on the topic of “being alone”. It turned out that many of you find “being alone” rather stressful and don’t like being alone. However,...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
How much ambition is good for you? Find out more… Ambition – what is it? Ambition is the effort to surpass others through one’s own achievements. In simple terms, it is the attempt to be better than others. Connected with this desire to surpass...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Mobile phone and Internet
There are regulations on violent videos in the Youth Protection Act. Get smart! Hardly any smartphone does not have an integrated camera, so filming and taking photos is easy everywhere. Many people like to share photos or videos from their lives via Instagram,...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Mobile phone and Internet
The most important settings on Instagram and how to deal with bullying or harassment on Insta… What is Instagram? Instagram is part of Facebook and is an app that allows you to share photos and short videos quickly and easily. Simply take a photo and upload it....