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Happy Birthday! If this phrase makes you anything but happy in one way or the other, then you might be suffering from the Birthday blues or popularly known as Birthday depression. Yes, some people don’t get the same excitement out of their birthdays as some others do. Didn’t know about it or secretly suffering from birthday depression? Then stick around because this was article is definitely for you.

What Is Birthday Depression?

Birthday Depression or Birthday blues is being sad, apathetic, or disinterested on your birthday. That special day doesn’t just rub off on you the same way it does on your squad, who are already planning a surprise party you are going to hate. When you enter the month of your birth and the days leading up to the D day, you start feeling anxious or uncomfortable. Ring any bells? 

It probably does because it means Birthday depression is either knocking at your door or staring you right in the face. Although it isn’t a mental health disorder, it’s associated with depression and anxiety. I know what you’re thinking, what can make somebody hate or be sad on this wonderful day of Joy?

Causes of Birthday Depression

For every problem, there’s a root cause. Birthday depression doesn’t just come out of thin air. Here are some of the causes of birthday depression

  • Bad or negative experiences with birthdays 
  • Fear of a special day not being so special
  • A trauma triggered by your birthday
  • The fear of getting old 
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and so on

If you made this far in this article, then you are either interested in learning more about birthday depression, or you’re suspecting that you just might be going through the initial stages of it. Let’s clear all doubts shall we? 

Symptoms of Birthday Depression? 

Here are symptoms that show that you have or are you are going through some level of birthday depression:

  • Desire to isolate yourself
  • Stressed out about how much time you have left to live
  • Feeling lower or sadder than usual
  • Change in sleep
  • Change in appetite
  • Disinterest in celebrating the day
  • Ruminating on the past and unaccomplished goals and so on. 

With all doubt cleared, if you have any of these symptoms, it is a clear sign of birthday depression looming. But don’t worry, this article wasn’t written to bring you down or condemn you. It was written to HELP you get through this phase and come out a person who enjoys your birthday.

How to beat Birthday Depression     

Here are some tips to help you defeat the birthday blues:

  • Start the day right: 

It helps to start the day with a positive attitude. Writing all the things you are grateful for can go a long way

  • Do your ideal celebration: 

Have the type of celebration that makes you comfortable. If you’re not a fan of extravagant parties, then avoid it. If spending quality time with that special person does it for you, do just that.

  • Avoid over-planning:

Over planning can expose you to stress or the risk of being disappointed. Keep things simple.

  • Tell someone:

There’s nothing wrong with reminding people that your special day is coming up. Their joy and excitement can help you get in a positive mood.

  • Stay Positive:

Don’t dwell too much on what you failed to accomplish. Set your mind on accomplishments and achievements through the years.

  • Avoid waiting for people:

Don’t rely too much on the happiness of others to boost your day. Take yourself out, buy yourself a gift and do something exciting

  • Do something special:

Your birthday is a time for you to do something you have never done. Something exciting and new that would flood your day with excitement and joy.

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