by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Sexuality
Many young people who are expecting a child wonder how they can tell their parents. Here are some tips and ideas for the conversation. If a pregnancy is planned and long hoped for, it is usually joyful news that people are happy to share and tell their parents. Many...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Sexuality
When and how does pregnancy happen? How can you find out if you are pregnant? Find out all this and much more here! How does pregnancy happen? You become pregnant when a sperm cell from a man meets an egg cell from a woman and fertilizes it. This means that you can...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
You feel unwell or dissatisfied? Maybe our tips will help you to increase your well-being again. There are things in life that are stressful and therefore do not necessarily contribute to your well-being. Think about what you need at that moment. Would you like to...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
Thinking about not wanting to live any more… Many of you may be familiar with thoughts that you are in over your head and don’t want to go on like this. But what if you can’t let go of these thoughts? You can find out more about this and why it is...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
Are you desperate because you might seem shy to others? Here you can learn how you can benefit from your shyness. Shyness – what is it? Shyness is a behavioral attribution for people who are considered shy, reserved, fearful or even inhibited. Sometimes shyness...
by Blueroomcare | Dec 17, 2021 | Personal
Forming an opinion with little information can lead to prejudice. You can read more about it here. Africans always wear traditional costumes, Americans only eat fast food, girls can’t skate, and he’s gay because he likes to talk to girls… Prejudices...